Tag Archives: czech

I often get asked why people choose to go to the Czech Republic for IVF, donor egg IVF, and donor embryo treatments.   My friends Kathryn Kaycoff-Manos, MA and Lauri Berger de Brito over at Global IVF have recently been traveling in Europe speaking at a conference on … Continue reading

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Recently, I have been in communication with a clinic in the Czech Republic that is using Embryo Monitoring in their IVF practice both for non-donor egg IVF and for donor egg IVF treatments.  They have reported that they are seeing about … Continue reading

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The SART 2010 US IVF clinic statistics have been released.    As I talked about in this post, just statistics alone are not the only thing to consider, but it does give us just one more piece of data to throw … Continue reading

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I went to the local Czech acupuncturist today – the same one I saw last time I was here.  She’s a bit of  a trip.  She is not exactly the soothing, supportive type; she’s more the shake her head negatively … Continue reading

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I made the journey from Prague to Brno yesterday.  I was a bit sad to leave Prague, it is such a gorgeous city!  That architecture and skyline is just amazing.  It was only a 2 1/2 hour bus or train … Continue reading

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Flights are booked.  Hotels are confirmed. Plans are in place, and I’ve started the good medications.   It seems like I’m forgetting something…or lots of things.  This seems too easy this time – far less stressful than my last trip to … Continue reading

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When I was a teenager, LEI was a brand of jeans.  Today, I found out what it means as an IVF patient, Luteal phase endometrial injury.  Big ominous sounding name, right? Actually, it’s a rather new technique that is gaining … Continue reading

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Life really has been getting in the way of my travel planning lately.  I think it is time to get serious though and get my hotels booked at the very least.  It is hard to believe that I’m leaving in … Continue reading

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The rollercoaster has left the platform, and my medications have started.  It reminds me of those few moments after you get strapped in to a rollercoaster and start slowly creeping away from the platform in that slow climb to the … Continue reading

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Who knew that a google search late one night would lead us halfway across the world in our quest for a baby? Our story actually started several years ago. My husband and I were married a bit later in life … Continue reading

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