Category Archives: CCS – comprehensive chromosome screening

April 2018 Update: thanks to the efforts of clinics providing feedback to SART, the newly reported SART stats for 2016 now accurately reflect donor cycles intended to be freeze all as such and no longer mis-report them as cycle starts … Continue reading

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There have been a few interesting stories in the news of late related to fertility treatments.  Here’s my wrap up.    For more frequently updated information – follow me on Facebook: NGS – Next Generation Sequencing A baby has been born using a … Continue reading

Posted in CCS - comprehensive chromosome screening, egg donation, egg donor, Fertility News, surrogacy | Comments Off on Fertility in the news

Just in case you didn’t get enough technical details in my last post about PGD, PGS, CCS, and preimplantation genetic testing, I wanted to highlight this very technical and in depth article from the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics.   It talks … Continue reading

Posted in CCS - comprehensive chromosome screening, Czech, Fertility News, IVF Success Rates, IVF Treatment Abroad | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on More about Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS)

The lastest publishing of the US SART IVF clinic success rates for 2011 has led to some interesting discussions about how to best use the SART or CDC data.  It also identified a few scenarios where the data simply isn’t … Continue reading

Posted in CCS - comprehensive chromosome screening, choose a clinic, Donor Egg IVF, donor embryos, egg donor, egg freezing, embryo donation, Fertility News, frozen donor eggs, IVF Success Rates | Tagged | Comments Off on When NOT To Use IVF Success Rates To Pick A Clinic

Wow, the medical community loves its acronyms.  PGD, PGS, FISH, CCS – I often get asked to explain the differences and options for genetic testing of embryos prior to transfer.  So, in sort-of layman terms, here’s my explanation. The terms PGD … Continue reading

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