Tag Archives: surrogacy

Sometimes when the first plan for family building isn’t working out, plan B can be perceived by some a bit like a “consolation prize” or a less optimal choice.  Recently I was thinking about how so many of us in infertility land go through the pain … Continue reading

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The blogosphere is all abuzz about a recent NY Times article by Melanie Thernstrom, a woman who used egg donation and surrogacy to have her two children “twiblings”.  She very openly discusses their journey to parenthood and their choices for building their … Continue reading

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In the past year several countries have made pretty significant changes to their legislation related to third party reproduction – particularly IVF with donor eggs or surrogacy.  Some have been progressive, and sadly, some made access to treatment more difficult … Continue reading

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Oprah and the mainstream media seem too often to focus on the horror stories of surrogacy abroad.  That is not what this post is about.  Doing IVF Abroad in combination with using a local surrogate (local to where you live) can … Continue reading

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The rollercoaster has left the platform, and my medications have started.  It reminds me of those few moments after you get strapped in to a rollercoaster and start slowly creeping away from the platform in that slow climb to the … Continue reading

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